Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Essay On Renaissance Art Example For Students
Paper On Renaissance Art Design of the Renaissance mirrors the previous works of the Roman, Byzantines, Moslems, and numerous different developments. The S. Pietro No. 1 was started in 1564 and was planned by Michelangelo Buonarroti, and Carlo Maderna. Numerous segments of this structure mirror their remote impacts. The huge, unpropitious arch alongside the two littler, less scary ones affirm the Byzantine style had entered the Renaissance. Fantastic, expound segments show Roman and Greek style of sanctuaries. An elaborate faãÆ'â §ade embellishes the passageway to the royal residence and speaks to increasingly Roman culture. All through the structure, high curves structure the entryways. In the side view, they are apparent on the littler arch, too. Once more, Roman culture has demonstrated to have penetrated the Renaissance style. Molded shells decorate the bigger vault, and a stone mullion made of two segments and a stone vertical bar isolates every window, two structures likewise found on the Pantheon. These components join to shape this brilliant portrayal of Renaissance engineering. A significant part of the Renaissance writing had its premise in Greek verses. Initially, the sonnets of the Renaissance were written in ProvenãÆ'â §al lingo, which is a blend of French and Italian. Numerous sonnets lauded ladies, discussed love, and alluded to God and different divinities. A few creators of this time were humanists. One said to be so was Francesco Petrarch. In his Sonnet 3, he tells the story of his affection having been taken from him by the plague. To start with, he alludes to God similar to the Maker. He proceeds to tell how he began to look all starry eyed at a lady without imagining that anything could go foul. At the point when she kicks the bucket of the plague, he starts to show his human sentiments of torment of having his solitary love torn from his grip. He makes a suggestion to cupid when he talks about the pole that slaughters, being cupids bolt. That line indicated his humanistic disappointment by alluding to experiencing passionate feelings for as b eing lethal. In spite of the fact that it is an appalling sonnet, Petrarchs work gives a phenomenal case of the writing qualities of the Renaissance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Herman Melvilles Billy Budd - Captain Vere was Correct :: Herman Melville Billy Budd Essays
Commander Vere was Correct in Billy Budd Captain Vere settles on the right choice by executing Billy Budd. If CaptainVere lets Billy live the remainder of the team may get the feeling that they won't be considered responsible for their crimes. If the group feels that they can pull off what ever they need then quite possibly they may structure an insubordination and have a mutiny. A rebellion would pulverize the security and great name of the boat and the crew. Captain Vere wouldn't like to see this happen. There are three principle reasons Captain Vere settles on the correct choice by executing Billy Budd. These reasons are that in the event that Billy lives, at that point a revolt may happen, in light of the fact that the law expresses that a wrongdoing as serious as Billy's is deserving of passing, and Captain Vere feels frustrated about Billy and doesn't need Billy to endure with blame until a military court could give a choice. If Billy isn't executed then defilement may happen on the boat and cause a mutiny. Captain Vere realizes that a revolt may happen and doesn't need it to occur. Commander Vere might be utilizing Billy's execution for his wrongdoing of murdering Claggart for instance for the remainder of the crew. It shows the team what will befall them on the off chance that they attempt to begin a mutiny. After Billy's passing CaptainVere clearly feels lament for executing Billy. Captain Vere's final words are Billy Budd, Billy Budd (p. 76) show a case of this. Those final words may represent that Captain Vere slaughtered Billy for an inappropriate reasons. In the event that CaptainVere utilizes Billy's demise for a guide to the remainder of the team then it might not really be an inappropriate reason. CaptainVere needs to choose one life and the lives of the whole crew. No issue what Captain Vere's reasons are he makes the correct choice. Another explanation CaptainVere may of executed Billy Budd is on the grounds that CaptainVere observes the law to the letter. The law expresses that revolt is culpable to by death. Some perusers probably won't consider this to be murder as revolt, however executing an unrivaled official in the British naval force is viewed as uprising.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Class of 2012 Profile Posted
Class of 2012 Profile Posted I know folks love to see the numbers, so weve updated the Freshman Class Profile page for this years incoming class, the MIT Class of 2012. Check it out! (If you were looking for the Admissions Statistics, just hold on for a little while longer) Incoming Freshman Class Profile For the MIT class of 2012 Gender Male 54% Female 46% Ethnicity Citizenship US Citizens Permanent Residents: 91% African American 10% Asian American 25% Caucasian 34% Mexican American 8% Native American 1% Puerto Rican 3% Other Hispanic groups 3% Other/No Response 7% International citizens 9% Geography New England 14% Mid-Atlantic 18% Southeast PR 16% Midwest Plains States 10% South/Southwest 11% West Coast 21% Abroad 11% States represented 49 Countries represented 63 Schooling Public school 66% Private school 15% Religious school 11% Foreign school 7% Home schooled 1% High Schools represented 791 Just for fun Most popular boy name: Michael Most popular girl name: Elizabeth Longest distance traveled: Melbourne, Australia Least distance traveled: Cambridge, MA The one US state not represented: Wyoming
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( Sncc )
In 1960 Ella Baker delivered a speech entitled â€Å"Bigger than a Hamburger†to what would come to be the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In this speech she argued to students who had been involved in the sit-ins that what they were fighting for was bigger than a hamburger and desegregating a lunch counter, but struggling for equality in all its forms. In a similar way, so too has the fight for quality education been bigger than a classroom. Ella Baker also argued that, â€Å"through the process of education, black people would be accepted in the American culture and they would be accorded their rights in proportion to the degree to which they qualified as being persons of learning and culture.†This is a testament to the over 200 year tradition within the black community of viewing education as inseparable with the concepts of freedom and citizenship. During slavery anyone found to be assembling in an effort to teach slaves to read and write recei ved corporal punishment. Consequently, throughout Reconstruction education was pursued with a vengeance. Freedmen’s Bureau agents reported, â€Å"Colored men have paid their own money to prepare and furnish a room for a school.†The Rosenwald Fund, a charity organization headed by the president of the Sears Roebuck Company, donated funds to build black schools, but the funds had to be matched by those from the local school system. So black residents’ double taxed themselves in order to pay for these schools. Nearly everyShow MoreRelatedEssay On Martha Prescod Norman Noonan1515 Words  | 7 PagesMartha Prescod Norman Noonan Martha Prescod Norman Noonan is noteworthy for her work with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) during the Civil Rights Movement. Noonan’s most notable achievements include raising money for SNCC, canvassing votes with the Albany Project, working on the Alabama Project, and contributing to Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Account by Women in SNCC. Biographical Information Martha Prescod Norman Noonan was born on February 25, 1945 in ProvidenceRead MoreEssay on Mississippis Freedom Summer1115 Words  | 5 PagesSpeech in class, and how Mandela fought for Independence from the white racist government. With extra research of the Freedom Summer project launched by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), I learned enough to be able to write my written task. The text type that I chose was a blog written from a perspective of college student who went to Longdale, Mississippi as part of Freedom Summer and the impacts of racism on his visit. I chose a blog as my text type because I thought that thisRead MoreI Have A Dream Speech1508 Words  | 7 PagesNegro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination†(International Business Times). King also wrote a letter in nineteen-sixty-three titled, â€Å"Letter to Birmingham Jail,†where he explained why immediate nonviolent action was necessa ry in order to achieve segregation (science.jrank). Due to Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat, however, that allowed all these actions to take place, and leading to African-Americans finally able to obtain their civil rightsRead MoreFreshwater Road By Denise Nicholas1453 Words  | 6 Pagesorganized by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The story also follows her father, Shuck, as he tries to manage his business in Detroit all the while also containing his fears about his daughter’s activism in Mississippi. 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In the Statement of Purpose for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) of 1960, which reads, â€Å"We affirm the philosophical or religious ideal of nonviolence as the foundation of our purpose, the presupposition of our faith, and the manner of our action. Nonviolence as it grows from Judaic-Christian traditions seeks a social order of justice permeated by love.†Here, we find no declarative statement on what the committee aims for, but rather a vague remark on a society thatRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement During The September Trilogy By John Lewis And Andrew Aydin1366 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. In the March trilogy by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin, you see these differences of opinion play out. March is about the story of John Lewis’ early life and later on, his involvement in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the fight for equal rights. Although the Civil Rights Movement resulted in desegregation, which wouldn’t have been possible without the contribution of its leaders and organizations, there were still divisions within the movementRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement from 1954 to 1968 Essay872 Words  | 4 Pageswould not support desegregation. In 1957, the Little Rock School Board decides to admit nine black students to its Central High School. The Governor calls out the National Guard to prevent integration of Central High; the soldiers surround the high school and admit white only. An angry mob appears at the school to harass the black students. The local NAACP goes to court to support the nine students. President Eisenhower, reluctant to act first, intercedes, saying that the mob violence will not overruleRead MoreEssay on Anne Moodys Involvement in the Civil Rights Movement1375 Words  | 6 Pageson getting support from the black community, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. Son after she joined the NAACP, she met a girl that was the secretary to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Anne started hanging out with other students who were also fighting for black rights, and soon she became an active member of the SNCC. Through these organizations, Anne had become actively involved in the civil r ights movement. She soon realized, though, that there were a lot of preconditionsRead MoreThe Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)1699 Words  | 7 Pagesother activists and groups who helped move the Civil Rights movement forward, including the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, an organization created by southern black youth. Though King’s actions were powerful tools in the push for racial equality, his efforts were only a part of the overall impetus driving the United States towards equality. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (â€Å"SNCC†) led activism in a community based, long-term protest fashion. At the same time the Southern
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Application Of Operant Learning - 909 Words
Jane Tien Thuy Nguyen Professor Shaun Vecera Section 18 Elementary Psychology 05 October 2014 The Application of Operant Learning Operant conditioning and classical conditioning are two completely different forms of learning. Classical conditioning, discovered by Ivan Pavlov, is associated with learning through the process in which one reacts to a neutral stimulus. This process involves matching a neutral stimulus to a stimulus (UCS) that produces an unconditioned response (UCR), or a reflex, for a long period of time. Over time, the UCS would be removed and the person being manipulated would start reacting to the previously neutral stimulus, thus becoming a conditioned, or learned, stimulus (CS) that elicits a conditioned response (CR). Operant conditioning, on the other hand, is a form of learning where one’s behavior is manipulated by the outcome. The consequences would take a toll on one’s behavior and would either increase-- through reinforcement--or decrease-- by punishment-- the likelihood of the behavior happening again. Both reinforcement and punishment are split into two types: positive and negative. Positive reinforcement and positive punishment involves controlling one’s behavior, whatever the case may be, by presenting a certain stimulus. Negative reinforcement and negative punishment eradicate a stimulus to increase or decrease behavior. The differences seen between operant conditioning and classical conditioning are apparent. In classical conditioning, theShow MoreRelatedThe Behavior Of Organisms, An Experimental Analysis Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagesdefines behaviour as follows, â€Å"Behaviour is what an organism is doing or more accurately what it is observed by another organism to be doing.†(Skinner, 1938). While classical conditioning is passive, operant conditioning requires the learner to actively â€Å"operate†on their environment. Therefore, operant conditioning mainly relies on the learner making voluntary responses, for example, pushing the buttons on a TV remote to select a desired channe l. In Skinner’s experiment, the learner was a white ratRead MoreBandura s Theory Of Self Efficacy And Skinners Theory975 Words  | 4 PagesDiscussion of Adult Learning Theory The two theories that will be discussed in this paper are Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy and Skinners theory of operant conditioning. An overview of both theories will be analyzed. Then, both theories will be compared and contrasted. Finally, professional application of these theories will be discussed. Bandura’s Theory Bandura’s social cognitive theory hightlights the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism on learning (Cherry, 2005)Read MoreCompare and Constrast Classical and Operant Conditioning737 Words  | 3 PagesCompare and contrast classical and operant conditioning, their theories, terminology, famous psychologists and applications of the theory for teaching. Classical and operant conditioning are two important concepts central to behavioral psychology. While both result in learning, the processes are quite different. In order to understand how each of these behavior modification techniques can be used, it is also essential to understand how classical conditioning and operant conditioning differ from one anotherRead MoreClassical and Operant Conditioning Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagespeople may believe that learning is just a natural response that all animals are capable of, there is actually a more complex explanation on how we learn the things we do in order to survive in the world. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are both basic forms of learning, they have the word conditioning in common. Conditioning is the acquisition of specific patterns of behavior in the presence of well-defined stimuli. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organismRead MoreThe Theory Of Operant Conditioning1212 Words  | 5 PagesOperant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. For example, when a lab rat presses a blue button, he receives a food pellet as a reward, but when he presses the red button he receives a mild electric shock. As a result, he learns to press the blue button but avoid the red button. TheRead MoreOperant Conditioning : Voluntary Behavior Essay940 Words  | 4 PagesOnil Trinidad Psych 11 Dr. Mcspadden Operant Conditioning Voluntary behavior is a result of a learning process which is commonly referred to as â€Å"Operant Conditioning.†According to the American Psychological Association, operant conditioning is â€Å"Learning in which the probability of a response is changed by a change in its consequences†(Allyn Para#8). In simpler terms, operant conditioning is the explanation for voluntary behavior, which can reoccur or diminish, depending if the consequence isRead MoreClassic Behavioristic Principles of Psychology Developed by B.F. Skinner1372 Words  | 6 Pagesadvancing an understanding of basic psychological processes and to the applications of science-based interventions to problems of individual and social importance.†He contributed to â€Å"human and nonhuman behavior, including human behavioral development, and to various segments of the life span, including human infancy†(p. 1411). One of Skinners greatest scientific discoveries was â€Å"single reinforcem ent†which became sufficient for â€Å"operant conditioning, the role of extinction in the discovery of intermittentRead MoreSkinners Operant Conditioning Theory Essay658 Words  | 3 PagesSkinners Operant Conditioning Theory B.F Skinner (1904-1990), an American psychologist who was the leading exponent of the school of psychology know as behaviourism, maintained the idea that learning is a result of any change in overt behaviour. Changes in behaviour are determined by the way an individual responds to events (stimuli) in the environment. Skinner described this phenomenon as operant conditioning. Action on part of the learner is called a response. WhenRead MoreOperant Conditioning : History And Application Essay775 Words  | 4 PagesOperant Conditioning Never Goes Out of Style: The History and Application of Operant Conditioning Since the beginning of time people have wanted to control others behaviors and this want is still prevalent in the world. One way people can achieve this is through operant conditioning. Experiments that worked with controlling behavior by awarding or removing a reinforcement or punishment were conducted over one hundred years ago (Chance 1999). Unlike some psychological theories that become irrelevantRead MoreStudents Attitudes And Behaviors Towards Learning And Managing A Classroom1508 Words  | 7 Pagesare indubitably facing many challenges regarding their students’ attitudes and behaviours towards learning and managing a classroom. Teachers have an important role to play in creating a positive classroom environment that is conducive to learning, keeping their students engaged and motivated to learn. There are many factors that contribute to a students’ level of interest and engagement in learning and teachers have little control over these factors (Lumsden, 1994). Teachers can influence student
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Educational Change Free Essays
Topic: Analyse a story about an educational reform happened in a secondary school and comment its effectiveness based on the organizational theories. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 1. Introduction The Education Commission Report No. We will write a custom essay sample on Educational Change or any similar topic only for you Order Now 7 released in September of 1997 suggested to build a quality culture in schools(EDB, 1997) . Since that, schools and education institutions of all levels experienced changes and reforms in various scale and kinds. Schools are no longer stable and predictable places. Schools and school systems had gradually turned into a mode of modern organization: departmentalized and bureaucratized in last century. However, in last two decades, the reform in education has been launched in all over the world. It is clearly because of the needs of new millennium – we are moving or even already in the postmodern age now. The postmodern age world is fast, compressed, complex and uncertain(Hargreaves, 1994). Schools are places for preparing the generations of the future, therefore, changes are essential to all educational organizations. In this paper, the story about the culture reform happened in a one-through school will be told to provide a case-study of how an evolution occurred in an educational system. The dimensions, type and effectiveness of reform will be discussed. 2. Literature Review We know change is essential to postmodern education system. But change for change is not help and not what we want. An educational change, is assumed to help schools to achieve their goals more effectively, theoretically. It is important to bear in mind that change is a process, not an event(Fullan Stiegelbauer, 1991) Literature provides the category for the change. Superficial changes , like changes in content, structure or policy, which induces improvement on something currently doing, are classified as first order change. Those changes occur on those fundamental, for example, goals and roles, are classified as second order change. (Cuban, 1988) â€Å"Educational change depends on what teachers do and think-it’s as simple and complex as that†(Fullan, 1991, P. 117). While what the teachers do and think is a reflection of their basic assumption and belief or the change is just superficial. It is vital to understand the culture of the organization and how it affects the norms and behaviors. (Stoll Fink, 1996). There are fundamental relationship between culture and effectiveness(Rossman et al. , 1988). Though school culture is powerful, schools are more comfortable to first order change than second order change (Cuban, 1988; Fullan Stiegelbauer, 1991). But first order change would not be internalized without second order change(Leithwood, Aitken, Jantzi, 2001). 3. A Story about Changing the School School X was a band three secondary school in a very new developed district in Hong Kong. Included School X, there were two secondary schools in the district, which with population of around 60,000. In the fifth year of school X being set up, a vice-principal of another school (for convenience, we called him/her W) of the same sponsoring body was sent to this school. At this time, school X was obviously in adverse position compared with another school in the district. Almost all higher banding students chose another school, over 80% of students of School X is in band 3 while over half of these students were in territorial bottom 10%. Most of the middle managers were not functioned. Teachers with negative attitude were majority. Some teachers had passion and willing to pay effort for students, but because of the norm and culture, what their effect was confined. Students lacked of interest and motivation in their learning, not mentioned to have any confidence and expectation on their own academic performance. The impression of School X was terrible in the community. â€Å"Fortunately†, the number of classes and teaching group of school X were small and still expanding with he increase of population size of the district. W already knew she would be vice-principal of school X for only one year and then would be promoted to be principal in the next year. W took the year of being vice-principal of school X to familiarize with the setting, the norm, the culture and social relationships in this school. The story of change began in the next year, W became principal of School X†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4. Analysis of the chang es Changes is a process, most researchers stated there are three broad phases involved: Initiation, Implementation and Continuation. Fullan (1991) added the idea of outcome to the process to give a come complete picture. Since the progress of educational reform occurred in School X involved numerous innovations each affected different domains of the school (Surely, this is common to all educational changes), the followed analysis will be written according to the framework shown in Figure 4. 1 . This framework is modified from the simplified overview of Fullan(1991), the titles of the points I will highlight for each phase are added to the box below each phase. Figure 4. 1 A simiplified overview for the process of change in School X No doubt, the new principal took a critical role in the initiation of change. But any educational change in school should involve all parties in school, therefore, the innovations are always not only from the principal but should be from all a stakeholders, especially from teachers and students. A group of teachers with similar belief with W were selected to act as a workforce to improve the performance and effectiveness of the school. Three teachers from this group became the new leaders for the academic, discipline and guidance department. The replacement was a quite severe step in school system. But it was also an effective way to remove the potential resistance to the change. The concept of workforce group was a successful startup. It involved teachers, the staff that would execute the change, as McGregor (1957) argued about the Theory Y of management, innovations and motivation are present in people, the manager only needed to make it possible for eople to recognize and develop. On the other hand, only small group of teachers were included in the workforce. Huberman and Miles (1984) argued that large-scale participation at the initiation phase is not productive and too much energy would be exhausted for pre-action discussion. The new department leaders, with W, leaded the group of workforce to review the rules and regulations, and drew up some new practice, then discussed these practice with the whole teaching team. Actually, the changes in rules and regulation were small, the focus was on the execution of these rules and regulations should be uniform and coherent. Though at this time the scale and degree of change on school was small, but it just like a pilot step for the consequence wave of reforming. Before these practices were introduced, W shared the bad news about the terrible intake of S1 in that year, over 70% of new comers are from the group of territory bottom 10%, with all teaching staff in the meeting. She also showed the data about the trend of population and development of the district in the meeting. What she pointed out was : more and more secondary schools were setting up in the district, all of them would be competitors of their school; the worst thing was, though the student population was going up that time, but it was not a long story, the population would decline after several year; they would finally face the crisis of shrink in number of classes, even being forced to close. W had capitalized on propitious moments for the change. The circumstances that call for change was dramatized to win the support and cooperation of teachers (Trice Beyer, 1993). The results of pilot trial were satisfied. Though everything still had great room for improvement, but all of them seemed to be in progress. W celebrated the success with all staff (both of teaching and non-teaching). In the next year, some changes induced ‘externally†happened: Regional/national level: The ECR no. 7 recommended the idea of using performance indicators to assess the quality of school. This aroused the concern about effectiveness and quality of schooling in society. Local level: * School X moved to a brand-new campus equipped with extra facilities. * School X was changed from a traditional secondary school to a one-through school. School X now had its first class of primary one. These â€Å"external factors†provided good ground to fertilize the consequence changes,. Among various of innovations, the setting up of first quality circle took a critical role in the reform of School X. The quality circle was formed by a group of ten young and passionate teachers. Teachers in the circle were assigned to be the class teachers of S2 classes (the form with terrible S1 intake). They were empowered to design and execute the setting and rules (academic and discipline aspects) work on the whole form. Recalled the organization Y described by McGregor (1957), this was another example about â€Å"using†the motivation and potential for development already in people to direct behavior toward the organizational goal. The outcome of implementation of quality circle was inspiring. The success of the quality circle was originated from it decentralized the power to and enlarged the job of some staff in relative low position of the school hierarchy (by experience, status and responsibility), and caused a sense of satisfaction in their social and egoistic needs. The success of quality circle created a dramatic change in the belief of teachers. After that, quality circles were set up for each form. It was institutionalized as a school policy and long term practice. After years of implementation, the behavior and academic performance of students had obvious improvement. The job satisfaction of teachers was greatly improved. Most items in the APASO and KPM, especially those related with the teacher and students relationship, have index better than the territory norm. Now, School X is categorized in band 2. Fullan(1991) listed 9 critical factors organized into 3 main categories affecting implementation. Figure 4. shows the interactive relationship of them: In the case of School X, for the characteristic of change: the need of change was obvious, the goal of change was clearly explained to all staff, the individual complexity on most staff was not too high to create resistance. In addition, as most rules and regulations remained the same, the practicality was acceptable. For the local characteristics, though the district and co mmunity factors could not be examined, but the principal and teachers showed positive attitude to the implementation, especially after the success of trial done in the first year. By cultural perspective, Rossman et al. (1988) identified the culture change processes to three types: Evolutionary, Additive and Transformative, depended on the degree of explicit, conscious focus on cultural change. The change in School X involved explicitly implementation of policies and practices, it should belonged to additive or transformative. While as the cultural norm was changed in a quite big scale with some severe means (replaced the heads, restructured the school system, etc. ), the reform of School X was classified as transformative. The developmental age of School X affected the cultural change in it as well. Stoll and Fink (1996) described the mechanisms likely to bring about change in three developmental age of school: Birth and early growth, Midlife, Maturity and /or stagnation and decline. School X should belong to Midlife stage, and the description about change through explosion of myths, quality circle was an exact example of this. The idea about creating new myth also echoed by(Trice Beyer, 1993), the effectiveness of myth to change cultures was affirmed in his article. 5. Comment on its effectiveness 5. Classical theory vs. Human resources theory The definitions of effectiveness of the change/reform were varied. The implementation of change in School X relied on application of human resources theory mostly. Compared with the classical theory, human resources theory took much more time and sometimes the outcome may be misled to be deflected from the organizational goal as it emphasized on the managing by objective instead of control with assumption about people had motivation already inside(McGregor, 1957). However, for the setting of school, human resources theory is much more appropriate. Though in earlier of this paper, the characteristic of schools in postmodern age was subjected to change; on the other hand, schools should be stable enough to let the teachers and students feel safe and secure. The scientific management emphasizes on selecting themost qualified employees to perform the job, this may not fit for the situation of school. Furthermore, the classical theory also included sense of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy was a common practiced in modern school for many years. However, this perspective may not suitable for the postmodern age school nowadays. Bureaucratic schools are close-ended, static and balkanized, in contrast, what we need now are open-ended, evolving and collaborative learning organizations. 5. 2 Cultural perspective Rossman(1988) argued culture defines effectiveness. In this part, I will comment on the effectiveness of the change in School X by cultural perspective. 5. 2. 1The classification of change by levels of culture The culture can be distinguished to three levels , on the base of basic assumptions, values and behaviours are observable manifestations (Schein, 1985). In Table 5. 1, the change of School X in each level of culture was described. Table 5. 1. Description on the change of School X by levels of culture. Level| Description| Artifacts and creations| The appearance of students was improved. The behavior of students inside and outside the classroom was improved. The academic performance of students improved. The intake of the school improved. | Values| The senses of belonging of students increase. The self-esteem and confidence of students improved. The satisfaction of teachers about the job improved. | Basic assumptions| The impression of community on School X changed to be more positive. The mission and goal of the school became clear and evolving. Senses of collaboration and cooperation were developed among teachers and students. Teachers’ belief migrated from â€Å"students cannot be changed†to â€Å"students can be changed through education, it just needs time and effort†. | 5. 2. 2Assessing Amounts of Change To understand the amount of change, the process can be described along four dimensions: Pervasiveness, Magnitude, Innovativeness, and Duration (Trice Beyer, 1993). The pervasiveness in change of culture was high. All the main business within the school was affected. The behavior of majority of teachers and students were changed. Surely, some of them tried to ignore the change, but the proportion was small. The magnitude of the change was high. The old negative values and belief evolved to much more positive ones. The innovativeness was not very varied in this case. Actually, the change in rules, rites and regulation were limited. The practices implemented were also common in other schools. But the idea of decentralization of power with quality circle was innovative among Hong Kong schools. Finally, the duration, it was high and actually, School X is still evolving even now, as a culture of evolving was developed. 5. 2. 3Definitions of effectiveness According to the research work of Rossman et al. (1988), from the cultural perspective, the definitions of effectiveness changes refer to the norms, beliefs and values of organizations. Took Rossman ‘s suggestion, I tried to analysed the effectiveness of reform in School X by five criteria. Firstly, the definition should be multisided; Both of the academic and the non-academic achievement should be considered. The academic performance of School X was improved and the band of it was promoted. On the other hand , the sports teams and volunteer team had outstanding performance in region. Second, the concern for order is essential to all schools. Ordered environment facilitate learning and teaching, it also brought about the sense of respect. The behavior of students was improved. The lesson time spent on dealing with the problem of classroom management was greatly reduced. It brings about the achievement of the third criterion – the quality of teaching; as teachers had more time for preparing teaching activities with higher quality. The focuses of professional training activities included the new teachers training programs and school-based training activities were migrated from classroom management to some more academic purpose. The fourth one is to establish appropriate expectations for intellectual outcomes. Except the first two years of implementation, the main concerns of School X in the followed six years all about enhancing the learning and teaching effectiveness. The performances of students in public examination also have been evaluated and discussed both in the meeting at subject levels and school level. Finally, value the diversity. School X developed teams for students with different education needs, for example, special education needs, non-native Chinese speakers, gifted, etc. 6. 2. Three perspective of culture The culture strength can be described by three perspectives: Integration, Differentiation and Fragmentation(Martin, 1992). Before the implementation of change, School X should be described as differentiation, teachers , those willing to pay effort and those not, worked on their own style, belief and goal. Conflicts between colleagues happened frequently. The reform caused the culture of S chool X evolved much more coherent, but the characteristics of sub-groups were still kept, so it is much more likely to be fragmentation rather than integration. . 2. 5Limitations of the cultural perspective on evaluating the effectiveness of change Culture is powerful, it affects the whole setting and every members of the organization. But the cultural perspective is only a way to give better insight of the organizational culture and also about the change. It never gives any fast and promising way for change. One can have a better planning and more precise expectation on the response of the members of organization to the implementation of change. 6. End of story? Never ended†¦. As we said in the start of this paper, schools nowadays are providing training to people who will deal with the fast, complex and mercurial life in the postmodern age. Schools that keep static and satisfy with their past achievement are no longer good schools. The senses of changes should be rooted within every stakeholder of the schools and education system. The cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation now was very familiarized by each educators in every levels of institutions, it is not just for documentary purpose and dealing with school external review, it is also a key for the keeping the schools change to right way. References Cuban, L. (1988). A Fundamental Puzzle of School-Reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 69(5), 341-344. EDB. (1997). Education Commission Report No. 7. Fullan, Michael, Stiegelbauer, Suzanne M. (1991). The new meaning of educational change (2nd ed. ). Toronto? New York, NY: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education : Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University. Hargreaves, Andy. (1994). Changing teachers, changing times : teachers’ work and culture in the postmodern age. London: Cassell. Huberman, A. M. , Miles, Matthew B. 1984). Innovation up close : how school improvement works. New York: Plenum Press. Leithwood, Kenneth A. , Aitken, Robert, Jantzi, Doris. (2001). Making schools smarter : a system for monitoring school and district progress (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press. Martin, Joanne. (1992). Cultures in organizations : three perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. McGregor, Douglas Murray. (1957). The Human Side of Enterpris e (4th ed. ). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Rossman, Gretchen B. , Corbett, H. Dickson, Firestone, William A. (1988). Change and effectiveness in schools : a cultural perspective. Albany: State University of New York Press. Schein, Edgar H. (1985). Defining Organizational Culture (4th ed. ). Belmont: Wadsworth Pub. Co. Stoll, Louise, Fink, Dean. (1996). Changing our schools : linking school effectiveness and school improvement. Buckingham England ; Philadelphia: Open University Press. Trice, Harrison m. , Beyer, Janice M. (1993). Changing Organizational Culture (4th ed. ). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. How to cite Educational Change, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Impact Of Emotion In Decision Making Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Impact Of Emotion In Decision Making. Answer: Introduction In the era of increasing number of health care consumers, understanding the role of behavioral science is very crucial. The decisions taken by the health care professionals and the families can affect the trajectory, quality and the length of a person's life (Lobach et al.2012). Logical and rational thinking in decision making does not leave much room for emotions. Decision making in terms of health care can involve emotions and increase complications. Making decisions about health care is quite complex, as issues sometimes involve problems that one is not used to thinking about in their day- to-day lives. The intensity of the decision making is normally magnified when life threatening illness is involved (Dovidio and Fiske 2012). This part of the paper will provide with a research philosophy, suitable collection methods and the analysis of the collected data that will help to explore the roles of emotions in the decision making process. Research philosophy A research philosophy is a belief about the means by which the information about a research question is gathered, analyzed and interpreted (Barry and Edgman-Levitan 2012). In general research philosophy in a research proposal should include pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. Research philosophy normally consists of source, nature and development of the knowledge (Maxwell 2012). Each step of the research process is on the basis of the assumption of the author which serves as the base of the search strategy. A research philosophy enables the author to decide which method of the data collection has to be conducted suitable for the research (Miles et al. 2013). The research paradigm that has been selected for this research proposal can be interpretivism paradigm (Grbich 2012). Interpretive approaches depend heavily on the naturalistic methods of data collection like interviewing, findings, analyzing and interpretation. In a word mainly qualitative methods are used in thi s process. The methods ensure that there is an adequate dialogue between the researches and the participants for the construction of a meaningful reality (Fusch and Ness 2015). Interpretivism is generally based on a theory. Research philosophy enables the researcher to decide which method of the data collection has to be conducted suitable for the research. The research paradigm that has been selected for this research proposal can be interpretivism paradigm, Theoretical belief that reality is socially constructed and is fluid. Hence from this the validity of the data cannot be grounded in an objective reality (Maxwell 2012). An interpretivist perspective generally evaluates researches on the basis of following grounds. It considers careful articulation of the research proposal (Miles et al. 2013). It considers that the research is considered in a careful manner. The interpretivism follows the following beliefs regarding the nature o the knowing and the reality (Maxwell 2012). Relativist ontology refers to the fact that reality is constructed inter-subjectively with the help of the understandings that has been developed socially or experientially. Whereas the transactional epistemology refers to the fact that one cannot separate himself from what the world knows (Fusch and Ness 2015). Hence, the chosen research paradigm for this research proposal ought to be intepretivism as the research question is based on the impact of emotions of making decisions in health care, which requires sample interviews, and the qualitative analysis of the findings and finally interpretation (Grbich 2012). Data collection methods This research will use the two most common process of data collection - the interviews and the focus groups. Interviews help to explore the experiences, views and the beliefs of the participants (Cleary et al. 2014). Focus group generally uses group dynamics for generating the qualitative data. Interviews help to provide a deeper insight of the thoughts of individuals on a topic, where little is already known about the topic (Millers et al. 2012). Interviews are also helpful in exploring the sensitive topics where individuals may not want to discuss them in a group (Dilshad and Latif, 2013). In this research the interviews will be constructed in a semi structured way to investigate about the topic. It should be a flexible kind of interview where the participants are sometimes subjected with open ended questions amidst the important questions, such that the respondents get enough chance to express their beliefs and experiences (Maxwell 2012). For this research proposal, 10-15 nurses from a health care setting in Korea will be taken as the participants for the study. Predetermined questionnaire will be prepared for the participants who were asked in a one - in one interview with the patients and the nurses (Dilshad and Latif 2013). The key feature of the focus group involves the active participation among the participants for exploring their views and the beliefs (Boateng 2012). A focus group research is open ended and cannot be predetermined. A focus group discussion is an excellent way to gather people from related backgrounds to discuss about a specific subject (Grbich 2012). One of the important features of the focus group is that the data is not based upon only one opinion and generally consists of data resulting from the fruitful discussions between the group members (Grbich 2012). One of the main advantages of the focus group is that a large number of interactions on a specific topic can be observed in a very limited period of time. As argued by Miles et al. (2013) focus groups are largely related to verbal interactions created or managed by the researcher. Most of the data are self reported (Dilshad and Latif 2013). It has to be kept in mind that if the focus groups are managed by the researcher, one can never get an idea about the natural interactions. One of the significant advantages of using focus group is that, one can understand the similarities and the differences of opinions among the participants. In this research paper we will be using a focus group of 12 consisting of registered nurses, patient representative and doctors with the view of understanding their opinion regarding the impact of emotion in the decision making (Desteno et al. 2013). The group discussion will surely bring up several issues that are faced by the health care professionals during decision making (Grbich 2012). It can be guessed that, they should also up with their personal experiences, which would help us to interpret and draw conclusions. Data analysis techniques There are normally two steps involved in the analysis of the qualitative data- coding and the preliminary data analysis in the pattern of summary notes (Maxwell 2012). The clarity and the applicability of the findings depend upon the analytic ability of the researcher. In this research it is necessary to code what people are doing, the things that they are trying to accomplish (Duque et al. 2013). According to (Dovidio and Fiske 2012) data coding of the preliminary data analysis will focus exclusively on the themes and the sub themes that guides the qualitative research (Maxwell 2012). There should be coding keywords in the document to code the transcribed focus groups that will help the researcher to find information in the document that needs to be coded. A summary document is required in case of ethnographic interviews and focus groups. It will contain the quotes as well as the explanation for the selection of the quote (Maxwell 2012). This type of method provides flexibility in the analysis of the research (Fusch and Ness 2015). However there is a disadvantage to use this process for quantitative data analysis, as selecting codes from the data can turn out to be complicated, depending upon the nature of the topic. The answers taken from the interview will be analyzed, coded and a summary will be made based on the findings (Fusch and Ness 2015). The data analysis method will actually help one to know the position of emotions in decision making process among the nurses and the midwives. It can be estimated that this approach will promise to be valuable and will give a better predictive model for the customization and the construction of decision support tools for the health care professionals and the clients. Ethical issues The important ethical issues that are to be kept in mind while taking up a qualitative research are confidentiality, anonymity and informed consent (Ford and Richardson 2013). The health care researchers who carry out qualitative research are entrusted with immense responsibilities (Miller et al. 2012). Since there will not be statistical analysis of the data, the researcher will have to assess and evaluate the data and the findings. Researchers are faced with ethical issues in all the stages of the research (Duque et al. 2013). This research paper will involve interviews with a specific focus group. Hence, the respondents should be well acquainted with the purpose of the research and should give consent for the interviews. As the research is about Korean health care, there are few things that the participants might not want to raise (Ford and Richardson 2013). Hence it is necessary to maintain the confidentiality. The ethical concern related to this research shall be approved by an authenticated organization. It is necessary to inform the risks and the benefits of the experiment to the participants (Miller et al. 2012). Delivering wrong information is equivalent to deception and hence should be avoided (Elwyn et al. 2012). The participants should have the full rights to withdraw their participation as per their wishes. Another ethical factor that has to be kept in mind is avoidance of harm (Ford and Richardson 2013). While collecting data or conducting interviews, the participant's background has to be changed and sensitive issues or questions that can harm their integrity should be avoided. References Barry, M.J. and Edgman-Levitan, S., 2012. Shared decision makingthe pinnacle of patient-centered care.New England Journal of Medicine,366(9), pp.780-781. Boateng, W., 2012. Evaluating the efficacy of focus group discussion (FGD) in qualitative social research.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(7). Cleary, M., Horsfall, J. and Hayter, M., 2014. Data collection and sampling in qualitative research: does size matter?.Journal of advanced nursing,70(3), pp.473-475. DeSteno, D., Gross, J.J. and Kubzansky, L., 2013. Affective science and health: the importance of emotion and emotion regulation.Health Psychology,32(5), p.474. Dilshad, R.M. and Latif, M.I., 2013. Focus Group Interview as a Tool for Qualitative Research: An Analysis.Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS),33(1). Dovidio, J.F. and Fiske, S.T., 2012. Under the radar: how unexamined biases in decision-making processes in clinical interactions can contribute to health care disparities.American journal of public health,102(5), pp.945-952. Duque, M.J., Turla, C. and Evangelista, L., 2013. Effects of emotional state on decision making time.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,97, pp.137-146. Dy, S.M. and Purnell, T.S., 2012. Key concepts relevant to quality of complex and shared decision-making in health care: a literature review.Social science medicine,74(4), pp.582-587. Elwyn, G., Frosch, D., Thomson, R., Joseph-Williams, N., Lloyd, A., Kinnersley, P., Cording, E., Tomson, D., Dodd, C., Rollnick, S. and Edwards, A., 2012. Shared decision making: a model for clinical practice.Journal of general internal medicine,27(10), pp.1361 Fusch, P.I. and Ness, L.R., 2015. Are we there yet? Data saturation in qualitative research.The Qualitative Report,20(9), p.1408.1367. Ford, R.C. and Richardson, W.D., 2013. Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Grbich, C., 2012.Qualitative data analysis: An introduction. Sage. Lerner, J.S., Li, Y., Valdesolo, P. and Kassam, K.S., 2015. Emotion and decision making.Annual Review of Psychology,66. Lipstein, E.A., Brinkman, W.B. and Britto, M.T., 2012. What is known about parents treatment decisions? A narrative review of pediatric decision making.Medical Decision Making,32(2), pp.246-258. Lobach, D., Sanders, G.D., Bright, T.J., Wong, A., Dhurjati, R., Bristow, E., Bastian, L., Coeytaux, R., Samsa, G., Hasselblad, V. and Williams, J.W., 2012. Enabling health care decisionmaking through clinical decision support and knowledge management.Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep),203(203), p.1Y784. Madrigal, V.N., Carroll, K.W., Hexem, K.R., Faerber, J.A., Morrison, W.E. and Feudtner, C., 2012. Parental decision-making preferences in the pediatric intensive care unit.Critical care medicine,40(10), pp.2876-2882. Maxwell, J.A., 2012.Qualitative research design: An interactive approach(Vol. 41). Sage publications. Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013.Qualitative data analysis. Sage. Mauthner, M.E.L.A.N.I.E., Birch, M.A.X.I.N.E., Miller, T.I.N.A. and Jessop, J.U.L.I.E., 2012. Conclusion: navigating ethical dilemmas and new digital horizons.Teoksessa Miller, T., Birch, M., Mauthner, M. Jessop, J.(toim.) Ethics in Qualitative Research, London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp.176-187. Rolls, E.T., 2013.Emotion and decision making explained. Oxford University Press.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Mini English essay free essay sample
The article, â€Å"On Teenagers and Tattoos†, written by Dr. Andres Martin, is an interesting read that examines the significance and function of tattoos for teenagers. Dr. Martin spells out his claim in paragraph 2 that â€Å"Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations†, he continues to show the audience that for the adolescents tattoos are seen as beautifying statements, but for the parents it is seen as oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. Dr. Martin qualifies his claim in paragraph 5 where he uses the word alternatively, which indicates that it gets to a point where the Adolescents have no control over all the markings on their body which in turn gives them a sense of normalcy and control. In paragraph 2, Martin is quite clear on when he would not press the claim: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. We will write a custom essay sample on Mini English essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He gives an examples and cites (Grumet, 1983). Claim: Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations. Qualifier: Alternatively and lastly exception is: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. Martin lists the reasons in all the paragraphs, by understanding the reasons or motivations behind tattoos, adults and parents can better understand and get to know their children. In this text, Martin addresses the growing obsession of tattoos, and why our youth is turning to a more permanent way of expressing themselves. †Thickly embedded in personally meaning memento of a relationship. But at times even the only evidence that there ever was such a bond†. He gives examples in two cases. A 13 year old proudly showed him a tattoo on his deltoid that had markings of the day and month of his birth; he also had other great pieces of tattoos envisioned for it. In another case, a proud father at 17 had a picture of his four month old baby girl tattooed on his chest. He proudly introduced her to Dr. Martin explaining how he would â€Å"always†know how beautiful she is today. The goal of this article was to inform adults of the many different motivations of teen tattooing in order to reduce the assumptions many adults make. For example, the text explains that while adolescents view tattoos as â€Å"personal and beautifying statements†, parents associate tattoos with â€Å"oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. †Martin explains that in most situations this is not the case, and if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation†towards Adolescent’s tattoos, they would be able to communicate and make contact with their tattooed Adolescents. Martin is just trying to explain that if they view tattoos with an open mind, then maybe they can have a better understanding of why this is a growing epidemic within the teen community. Dr. Martin gives his readers a better understanding of the text. Martin’s utilization of all three persuasive appeals (Claim, reasons, and evidence) is the reason for his arguments strength. The combination of credibility, individual stories, and reason create an effective argument in which his purpose is clearly portrayed. In each section, Martin makes sure to include sufficient evidence and support to his claims so that he can get the readers acquainted. I am in support of Martin that if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation then their relationships with the Tattooed Adolescents would be great. Teenagers and Tattoos The article, â€Å"On Teenagers and Tattoos†, written by Dr. Andres Martin, is an interesting read that examines the significance and function of tattoos for teenagers. Dr. Martin spells out his claim in paragraph 2 that â€Å"Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations†, he continues to show the audience that for the adolescents tattoos are seen as beautifying statements, but for the parents it is seen as oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. Dr. Martin qualifies his claim in paragraph 5 where he uses the word alternatively, which indicates that it gets to a point where the Adolescents have no control over all the markings on their body which in turn gives them a sense of normalcy and control. In paragraph 2, Martin is quite clear on when he would not press the claim: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. He gives an examples and cites (Grumet, 1983). Claim: Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations. Qualifier: Alternatively and lastly exception is: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. Martin lists the reasons in all the paragraphs, by understanding the reasons or motivations behind tattoos, adults and parents can better understand and get to know their children. In this text, Martin addresses the growing obsession of tattoos, and why our youth is turning to a more permanent way of expressing themselves. †Thickly embedded in personally meaning memento of a relationship. But at times even the only evidence that there ever was such a bond†. He gives examples in two cases. A 13 year old proudly showed him a tattoo on his deltoid that had markings of the day and month of his birth; he also had other great pieces of tattoos envisioned for it. In another case, a proud father at 17 had a picture of his four month old baby girl tattooed on his chest. He proudly introduced her to Dr. Martin explaining how he would â€Å"always†know how beautiful she is today. The goal of this article was to inform adults of the many different motivations of teen tattooing in order to reduce the assumptions many adults make. For example, the text explains that while adolescents view tattoos as â€Å"personal and beautifying statements†, parents associate tattoos with â€Å"oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. †Martin explains that in most situations this is not the case, and if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation†towards Adolescent’s tattoos, they would be able to communicate and make contact with their tattooed Adolescents. Martin is just trying to explain that if they view tattoos with an open mind, then maybe they can have a better understanding of why this is a growing epidemic within the teen community. Dr. Martin gives his readers a better understanding of the text. Martin’s utilization of all three persuasive appeals (Claim, reasons, and evidence) is the reason for his arguments strength. The combination of credibility, individual stories, and reason create an effective argument in which his purpose is clearly portrayed. In each section, Martin makes sure to include sufficient evidence and support to his claims so that he can get the readers acquainted. I am in support of Martin that if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation then their relationships with the Tattooed Adolescents would be great. Teenagers and Tattoos The article, â€Å"On Teenagers and Tattoos†, written by Dr. Andres Martin, is an interesting read that examines the significance and function of tattoos for teenagers. Dr. Martin spells out his claim in paragraph 2 that â€Å"Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations†, he continues to show the audience that for the adolescents tattoos are seen as beautifying statements, but for the parents it is seen as oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. Dr. Martin qualifies his claim in paragraph 5 where he uses the word alternatively, which indicates that it gets to a point where the Adolescents have no control over all the markings on their body which in turn gives them a sense of normalcy and control. In paragraph 2, Martin is quite clear on when he would not press the claim: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. He gives an examples and cites (Grumet, 1983). Claim: Adolescents and their parents are often at odds over the acquisition of bodily decorations. Qualifier: Alternatively and lastly exception is: Distinguishing bodily adornment from self-mutilation may indeed prove challenging, particularly when a family is in disagreement over a teenager’s motivations and a clinician is summoned as the final arbiter. Martin lists the reasons in all the paragraphs, by understanding the reasons or motivations behind tattoos, adults and parents can better understand and get to know their children. In this text, Martin addresses the growing obsession of tattoos, and why our youth is turning to a more permanent way of expressing themselves. †Thickly embedded in personally meaning memento of a relationship. But at times even the only evidence that there ever was such a bond†. He gives examples in two cases. A 13 year old proudly showed him a tattoo on his deltoid that had markings of the day and month of his birth; he also had other great pieces of tattoos envisioned for it. In another case, a proud father at 17 had a picture of his four month old baby girl tattooed on his chest. He proudly introduced her to Dr. Martin explaining how he would â€Å"always†know how beautiful she is today. The goal of this article was to inform adults of the many different motivations of teen tattooing in order to reduce the assumptions many adults make. For example, the text explains that while adolescents view tattoos as â€Å"personal and beautifying statements†, parents associate tattoos with â€Å"oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority. †Martin explains that in most situations this is not the case, and if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation†towards Adolescent’s tattoos, they would be able to communicate and make contact with their tattooed Adolescents. Martin is just trying to explain that if they view tattoos with an open mind, then maybe they can have a better understanding of why this is a growing epidemic within the teen community. Dr. Martin gives his readers a better understanding of the text. Martin’s utilization of all three persuasive appeals (Claim, reasons, and evidence) is the reason for his arguments strength. The combination of credibility, individual stories, and reason create an effective argument in which his purpose is clearly portrayed. In each section, Martin makes sure to include sufficient evidence and support to his claims so that he can get the readers acquainted. I am in support of Martin that if parents would just show interest and â€Å"nonjudgmental appreciation then their relationships with the Tattooed Adolescents would be great.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Educating Rita †Scene I
Educating Rita – Scene I Free Online Research Papers Educating Rita is a play written by Willy Russell in Thatherite Britain in the early 1980’s, when the role of women was to earn a living for the family and produce children to carry on the family name. Rita is a young hairdresser working in Liverpool and she is about to embark on an educating journey of finding herself through the teaching of an Open University. Frank is a university lecturer and will be teaching Rita what she wants to know about literature and another world outside of her own. Russell has interpreted the character of Rita as a copy of himself. This is because he was also a hairdresser and went to a night school to do his O levels before he became a famous writer. When we first see Frank he is in his office and appears to be looking for a book on the shelf. The audience then realises that he is actually looking for a bottle of whisky that he has hidden behind a book. This is symbolic for that Frank is hiding his drinking problems behind his work and education. Another example of Frank hiding his problems away from others is that when he drinks the whisky from a mug. This is so people won’t see his problems and the contents of the mug. The first time in which Rita in introduced to the play is her first encounter of what it’s like in Frank’s world. She gets to Frank’s door but it appears that it is stuck. She struggles to enter but eventually she gets in. This problem with the door is symbolic for that Rita will find it very hard to get I to the way of living in an educated environment. This door is also symbolic the next time Rita goes to the University. This is because she brings some oil and tries fixing the faulty door. This shows her determination to get an education and how much she wants to learn. When Rita first enters Frank’s office she is amazed. She never sits down and goes straight to the window. Throughout the play whenever she is in the office she goes to the window. Looking down at the â€Å"real students†studying on the grass. This is what Rita dreams of being. A â€Å"real student†. Frank has a picture of a naked woman on the wall. This is one of the first things that Rita notices. She says, â€Å"It’s very erotic.†And Franks reply is just â€Å"Erm yes, I suppose it is-â€Å". This shows that Frank hasn’t looked at the painting in a very long time. He also seems to have lost all interest in art and women. Both Frank and Rita both have completely different ways of living. They also have very different accents. Rita’s is a strong Liverpudlien accent whilst Frank talks with Received Pronunciation. This is where he doesn’t have an accent. It could be said that he speaks the standard way. Frank also speaks in Standard English. This is where he says his words like they are written in the dictionary and everyone will understand what he means. Also Rita swears a lot. She doesn’t know how to act in different situations so she just acts the way she normally does at home. By swearing and using inappropriate taboo language. Examples of her bad language are â€Å"tits†â€Å"sod†and â€Å"fuckin’†. Examples of Rita’s accent interpreted in the writing of the play are â€Å"y’†which is meant to be you and â€Å"won’ I†which is meant to be won’t I. Frank and Rita sometimes get confused with each other on several occasions in the play. Some examples of this are when Frank is referring to the poet â€Å"Yeats†Rita thinks he is talking about â€Å"Yates’s†the wine lodge. This is probably the most important point in the play because it shows that Frank and Rita come from completely different ways of life. Rita speaks with a lot of dysphemism. This is where the language she uses is shocking and impolite. Examples of this are when she is talking about the woman on the painting she says â€Å"tits†. The euphemistic way of saying this could be breasts. Frank speaks with a lot of euphenism. This is the way of saying something in the polite terms. He does this when Rita is saying that she is stupid and not bright enough to be a real â€Å"student†. Instead of just agreeing with Rita, Frank says, â€Å"it’s supposed to embrace a more comprehensive studentship†. Now of course Rita wouldn’t understand what Frank had just said but it is a more polite way of agreeing with her. The main themes of Educating Rita are Self-discovery, change and escapism. Russell establishes the differences between Frank and Rita by typing Rita’s accent differently, by showing that Frank speaks all his words like they are spelt in the Dictionary and so on. Research Papers on Educating Rita - Scene IThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTrailblazing by Eric AndersonAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is ArtRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part One19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Why People Organize Into Unions (Employee Labor and Relations class) Assignment
Why People Organize Into Unions (Employee Labor and Relations class) Human Resource Management - Assignment Example This statement by the President somehow summarizes why people organize into unions. Organized labor has several core functions which include safety, security, pay and benefits; ensuring jobs remain in the U.S.; having job security; and ensuring adequate pay and benefits (Strata Research, Inc., 2009). These are the main reasons why employees choose to organize into labor unions. Workers believe that joining a union means a protection for their welfare. There are however some workers who choose not to join labor unions in the view that it may force American companies to just outsource job overseas and be free of the headaches brought about by labor unions (Strata Research, Inc., 2009). In the research conducted by Strata Research, their findings show that for employees who choose not to join unions, they believe that current employment laws are adequate to protect their rights while those who join unions view current employment laws as inadequate; thus, the need for additional protecti on through labor unions (2009). The study further revealed that some workers perceive labor unions have become overly protective of employees’ rights by asking for higher salaries and more benefits, making American companies less competitive in the global market. There is strength in numbers. This is another reason why people organize unions. Most people are of the belief that they can get important protection and gain improved conditions better if they join together (Woodley & McGillivary, 2010).
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Human Resource Development, Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Resource Development, Motivation - Essay Example There are certain criteria by which employees decide whether their jobs are on the level or not. Any one of these criteria can derail the employer's efforts to motivate employees if it isn't right. The evaluative criteria of concern to employees are: (1) Security - Majority of employees feel insecure, and these insecurities and fears can get in the way of their buying into motivational efforts. Industrial Psychologist Andrew DuBrin divides these fears and concerns into following broad categories: (2) Commitment - To employees, most managers seem to lack commitment. The constant shifts of direction and reshuffling of priorities send an unintended signal that today's priority will be forgotten tomorrow. Some employees learn to 'wait it out' when they get an instruction. (3) Fairness - Employees are keenly aware that their managers have more authority than they do. Lacking the power to stick up for themselves, they are quick to perceive unfairness in the treatment they receive from those who do hold power. (4) Respect - Employees feel respected only when they feel that their superiors take them seriously and have a genuine concern for the employee's desires. Supervisors who treat employees without respect hurt their self-respect. Self-respect is a prerequisite for self-awareness and self-awareness is the most important thing towards being a champion. (1) Build (5) Development Opportunities - People have a very natural and healthy urge to accomplish things, to grow and develop. Sometimes their desires seem to be at odds with the goals of the organization. (Hiam Alexander (1999) Motivating and Rewarding Employees, p.74 - 89) Keeping in view the employee's criteria as discussed above, an employer may consider the following tips to constantly motivate the employees: (1) Build a solid foundation for the employees so that they feel invested in the company. Tell them about the history of the company as well as its vision for the future and ask them about their expectations and career goals. (2) Create a positive office environment that makes all employees feel worthwhile and important. Avoid playing favorites with the staff. (3) Work with each of them to develop a career growth plan. If employees become excited about what's down the road, they will engage themselves better with the present work. (4) Help employees improve their professional skills by providing training and in-house career development. Encourage them to attend seminars, workshops and educational classes paid for by the company. Employees may appreciate the fact that the company is investing in them. (5) Acknowledge employee's contribution and boost their morale. (6) Provide Incentives. (7) Honor the promises made. Failure to do so will result in a loss of trust. (8) Match tasks to talents. Assign individuals with tasks they would enjoy or are particularly good at. This would help improve employee's confidence level. (9) Don't forget the fun. Once in a while, put work aside and do something nice for the employees. (10) Set an example. Great people make others around them
Monday, January 27, 2020
Customer loyalty programmes in the retail sector
Customer loyalty programmes in the retail sector The retailing is all around us. It permeates our lives. It is very obvious to buy products and services from their shop, their websites and their catalogue. There are plenty of procedures in which customers are attracted to buy from a certain store, one of which is the customer loyalty programme offered by them. The major reason for selecting this topic as my research subject is to gain an in-depth knowledge over it and resolve the questions rose on the topic customer loyalty programme. The approach to this dissertation will be to resolve the below questions. How does customer loyalty programme influence the retail sector What are the advantages of customer loyalty programme to the customers and retailers What are the measures that should be taken when implementing these programmes? How does these customer loyalty programmes affects the culture of retail chains and influence customers. The customer loyalty programmes are a concept adopted by the retail chains to attract their customer and retain them. These programmes are offered to provide customers with benefits over their purchase. Thus by the end of this research it would enable me to understand the benefits of the customer loyalty programme offered by the retail chains to their customers. The subject marketing communication has been a great interest to me, which cultivated a desire to opt my research into a topic of it. As we know that retail industry is at boom and the retail marketing strategy is a great concern for the retailers, I have opted for this area for my research which would enhance my knowledge on the subject. Review of Literature The nature of the customers does not possess an interest for loyalty. The only reason they purchase from a certain store is to satisfy their own needs. The style and presentation for the product and services from a business creates a response of customer loyalty. The only reason behind any purchase from any store is because the consumers desire to buy it. There is no compulsion to persistent purchase from any business. The consumer purchases are made from a certain store because they have a connection with them through offers made by products and services that appeal them. Consumers are self serving. Their main intention is to transact with a business that delivers them their desired needs. Consumer does not possess the characteristic of loyalty, it is the response from consumer to action to business, they are not inherently loyal or disloyal. The question should not be among the entire customer who is more loyal or why we dont possess much loyal customer. The question should be what are the ways in which we can retain our customers. The issue of customer loyalty is centred to business, not to the customers. Customer loyalty programme is the answer today as it has been in the past and will be in the future. This make the customer loyal and these loyal customers are easier to business with, are more predictable, and dont carry the expense associated with attracting new customers. Creating loyal customer by these programmes is considered as an answer to all the worries of retailer. A loyal customer has been an open option for any business to trade with. These customer loyalty programmes are at the common site for every consumer looking to satisfy its need. These programmes can be seen as Loyalty card holder schemes, Pay as you go scheme, buy now pay later schemes, etc. we can easily see all such programmes in any kind of retail store be it food, grocery, electronics, clothing, etc. Loyalty programmes have become an increasingly common part of retailers marketing strategies. Eventually, it was not uncommon for any business with an interest in a loyalty proposition to make an attempt at establishing its own variation. Following the financial crisis hundreds of stores ranging from corner shops to large department stores were forced to close their doors. But successful loyalty marketing allowed some companies to thrive and even expand. It can be noticed that the global competition in consumer market is rapidly getting intense and retailers and marketers are striving for the new strategies to maintain the interest and loyalty of their customers. Hence the associated marketing has grown in popularity since the past decades and the execution of associated marketing is slowly increasing (Noble/Philips 2004, P. 290). Presently retailers understood that satisfy and retain the customers with the usage of relationship building activity is one among the most potential form if sustainable competitive advantage. Though customer loyalty cannot be counted as the direct reason for profitability, various studies have found that profits for each year has been continually grown through custmners trust over the company and their continued purchases for every year (Meffert 2008, p.160; Noble/Philips 2004, p.290; Reinartz/Kumar 2000,p. 28) As merchant loyalty offerings began appearing in unprecedented numbers, loyalty programmes associated with just one retailer was no longer the rule. Consumption patterns have changed and consumers are becoming more frugal and discretionary in their spending. Major loyalty programme issuers know that customers are demanding increased flexibility and a wider variety of rewards. In a bid to survive many businesses experimented with cross-marketing; it is not uncommon to find ceramic ornaments offered through a hair salon loyalty card, or discounted health tests redeemable through a video rental chains membership programme. For many companies, the cross marketing of services is especially appealing as it removed the hassle of holding inventory for merchandise giveaways. A few years ago, the author of the Loyalty Paradox Report (Evans, 1999, P.4) criticised existing loyalty programmes for being mechanical, hard sell promotion, which overlooked the reason for repeat customers-emotions and trust, habit and inertia and communication and service. There is a danger that customers will be loyal to the programme itself rather than to the programme sponsor. It is clearly not sufficient to be an effective promoter of the economic benefits of loyalty programme participation. There is a need to offer consumer socio-cultural benefits, to provide the feel good factor that is missing from the shopping experience of other retailers (Burch, 2007). Burch also argues that it is the main reason why supermarkets are so keen to be perceived as a health promoting agency, a family friendly firm, and a household problem solver. As the manager of a Safeway (UK) store explained some years ago; Our success can be put down to our regard for our moral as well as our legal responsibilities (Cumming, 1994, P.5). For this reason, analysing the subtle mobilisation of consumer loyalty towards supermarket as an institution is as important as understanding the hard sell of loyalty programme activities and the negotiated supply chain partnerships. It is as both guide and guardian that supermarkets actively promote and regulate the social practices that underpin consumption behaviour. Contribution to Knowledge/Originality: The attractiveness of relationship marketing has progressively developed from the past few decades. To satisfy and retain the customer through relationship building is seen as the most sustainable competitive advantage adopted by the retailers. Though the customer loyalty cards are popular in the retail industry, many programmes of customer loyalty are almost transposable, with lack of attractiveness and differentiation. Thus it is essential to acknowledge the elements of customer satisfaction that relates to these programmes. Hence aiming towards the satisfaction of customers relates to understand and anticipate what consumer need from the loyalty programme. It is very common in retail to use the card based programs for loyalty enrichment strategy. These card based programmes issues special coded cards or special card that can be scan readable, those can be used at the checkout holding an objective to increase consumer tendency. Consumer gains few benefits on these loyalty card like reduction in price, percentage, gift pack service, own area for parking, etc. (Naslund 2002, p. 322). Loyalty cards are a common practice to offer in European retailing, after growing with 25 to 30 percent each year since 1990s. In some of the markets this card based programme has achived its saturation stage but in few it is still new process growing at a steady pace (Ziliani/Bellini 2004, p. 283f). Loyalty card Programs are the most admired relationship building activity in Australia. However, many loyalty card programme are almost transposable and customers dont use them (Hoffman/NaB 2007, p.6). There are numerous reasons why customers do not desire to bond in relation with retailer. Usually consumers dont sense the benefit those retailers offer are satisfactory or of no importance to them (Noble/Philips 2004, p. 300). In addition to this there is a lack of charm and delineation (Tomczak 2008, p. 325) Thus to offer suitable benefits to the customer, it is essential to understand the factors of customer satisfaction with the loyalty card programme. Focussing on the satisfaction of customer means to understand and anticipate what consumer desire from the loyalty program, through which a positive response is generate and posses the aptitude to astonish the consumer. The reason to opt for this study is to examine various attributes and recognise the major influential facto on consumer satisfaction. Methodology of Research The study will be based on the qualitative and quantitative approach. The primary source of data collection will be done by the questionnaire because it is said to be the least expensive procedure for the research (Trochim, 2002). The research forces me to investigate different retail chains that offers customer loyalty programmes to benefit the customer. Investigating on those retail stores will give me an elaborated idea over the benefits and drawbacks shared by the retailer and the customer through those loyalty programmes. The data collection sources will through book, journals, periodicals, news papers, articles, magazines, etc. The research will not limit itself with only reference of books and journal but as well extend its reach to gain the ideologies of the marketing experts and professionals working in the retail sector. The customer loyalty programme plays a vital role in enhancing a retail stores image by offering them benefits. Thus the focus of this research study will be on analysing the customers perception over these programmes and how does they view these loyalty programme. My main focus for the research will be to gain an overview towards the retail store, stating how these loyalty programs had benefited it. The qualitative approach will derive the perception of the respondents by using the tools as interviews and observation as this method believes in the opulence of data (Naslund 2002). Furthermore qualitative approach generates fresh idea and latest theory (McKenzie 2006). The conduction of interviews will be held to gain the views from the professionals working in retail industry and the marketing experts. The data collection will be done mainly through this area; Interviewing the professional working in the retail Industry Interviewing the managers working in the retail chains (, Marks Spencer, ASDA, TESCO, etc.) Discussing the subject with the professors of marketing Subject overview through collection of detailed data from books, journal, web sources, newspaper articles, etc. Observing and evaluating the previous research of different students on the topic and gathering information The analysing of data and information will be done through the following tools Diagrammatic Graphical presentations Flow Charts Anticipated Outcome The below are the anticipated outcomes of the study; The result of this study can be generalised to reflect the attitudes, perception and practices of a proportion of customers in the retail sector (UK) The research study will result in enhancing the knowledge on the customer loyalty programmes issued by retailers This research study will benefit the reader in describing the advantages and difficulties by customer loyalty programmes shared by both retailers and customers. The dissertation will state the different type of customer loyalty programme adopted by various retail chains and their experiences on its success or failure. The research will be deliver the literature contributed by various authors on the subject. The study will confine itself with few UK retail chains so that it does not exceed its limited completion period. Targeted deadlines TIME ITEM ACTIVITIES 21th Jan -26th Jan 2011 Investigation and assortment of data 1. Conduction of review of literature 2. Evaluate the obtained data. 30th Jan 2011 1st meeting 1. Extracting suggestions through discussing topic and how to go ahead with it. 2. Discuss the source for conduction of interviews 7th Feb 22st Feb 2011 Research Questioners 1. Design the questionnaires for research 2. Connecting it to the needed outcome of research 25th Feb 2011 2nd meeting 1. Confer about the task achieved and accomplishing task 2. Consult on the ultimate interview questionnaire 3. Identifying the targeted interviewers 27th Feb3th March 2011 Conduction of interview 1. Interviews initiation 2. Collecting the performance data of organisations 13th March 2011 3rd meeting 1. Evaluation and analysing data during interviews 2. dissertation structure discussion 13th March-21th March 2011 Dissertation Structure 1. Align thesis formation 2. Forecast the gathered data consequently. 24nd March 2011 4th meeting 1. Obtaining the supervisors ideas in writing the thesis 2. Proceeding sequentially as guided 3rd April 2011 5th meeting 1. Asking supervisors evaluation on the first draft 11th April 2011 6th meeting 1. Complete the final draft of the thesis Gantts Chart Time Table Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Research Introductin Literature Review Research Methodoly Questionnaires Field work (Interveiw) Data Analysis conclusion Recommendation 1st Draft / 2nd Draft Submission of Dissertatin Ethical Issues The basic aim of writing this proposal was to gain an overview of the subject and head towards the research study. The proposal was completed with an aim of gaining knowledge and was done by thorough honesty. The quest for knowledge over the topic had enforced me to opt this subject and obtain the desired knowledge. Through the end of dissertations I will equip myself with complete details of the subject and enlighten my area of interest. The endeavour made to complete this thesis will benefit me and bright my IQ over the subject, so this work of dissertation will be done with total truthfulness and integrity. The approach to stay away from plagiarism would be to ensure the research with the software for plagiarism provided by the university called as TURNITIN. Additional software will be used as an added precaution to check the plagiarism with software called as VIPER accessible from internet. These measures are taken to be sure that the research conducted is not copied or plagiaris ed work. There would be proper referencing made in Harvard style to state any of the content that is adopted in the research. I would attend regular meeting held by my supervisor to get approval for my work and make the necessary amendments prescribed by my guiding professor.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Vishal Engineering Case Solutio
VISHAL ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES CASE SOLUTION DATA GIVEN Total Assets Total Sales Growth Rate Cut? off rate Option 1 Purchase Price Pre Tax Benefits Depreciation Option 2 Lease Rental Maintenance Post Tax Cost of Borrowing Option3 Hire Purchase Instalment Interest rate Useful Life Analysis ? Option 1 ? Ownership and Operation Rupees in Lakhs Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Particulars Intial Cost Benefits Received Depreciation (WDV @ 25%) Tax Sheild On Depreciation (3 x . 35) Net Salvage value Post Tax Cash Flow (1+2+4+5) Discount Factor @ 12% Present Value (6/7) TOTAL NPV 0 ? 5. 000 1 18. 000 18. 750 6. 563 ? 75. 000 1. 000 ? 75. 000 24. 563 0. 893 27. 510 2 18. 000 14. 063 4. 922 22. 922 0. 797 28. 753 3 18. 000 10. 547 3. 691 21. 691 0. 712 30. 475 Year 4 18. 000 7. 910 2. 769 20. 769 0. 636 32. 680 222. 368 5 18. 000 5. 933 2. 07 6 20. 076 0. 567 35. 382 6 18. 000 4. 449 1. 557 19. 557 0. 507 38. 603 7 18. 000 3. 337 1. 168 19. 168 0. 452 42. 374 8 18. 000 2. 503 0. 876 6. 000 24. 876 0. 404 61. 592 270 Crores 256 Crores 23% 12% 75 Lakhs 18 Lakhs per year 25% WDV 14 Lakhs per year 1. 75 Lakhs per year 9. 50% 18. 75 Lakhs per year 12% 8 Years Analysis ? Option 2 ? Lease Contract Rupees in Lakhs Sr. Particulars No 1 Intial Cost 2 Depreciation (WDV @ 25%) Loss of Tax Sheild On Depreciation 3 (2 x . 35) 4 Lease Payment Tax Sheild On Lease Payment 5 (4 x . 35) 6 Loss of Slavage Value 7 Post Tax Cash Flow (1+3+4+5+6) 8 Discount Factor @ 9. 5% 9 Present Value (6/7) 10 TOTAL NPV ? Cash Flow 11 LRt(1? Tc) 12 Present value (11/8) 13 Present Value of lease 0 75. 000 1 18. 750 ? 6. 563 ? 14. 000 4. 900 75. 000 1. 000 75. 000 ? 14. 663 0. 913 ? 16. 055 ? 9. 00 ? 9. 965 2 14. 063 ? 4. 922 ? 14. 000 4. 900 ? 12. 022 0. 834 ? 14. 415 ? 9. 100 ? 10. 911 3 10. 547 ? 3. 691 ? 14. 000 4. 900 ? 9. 791 0. 762 ? 12. 855 ? 9. 100 ? 11. 948 Year 4 7. 910 ? 2. 769 ? 14. 000 4. 900 5 5. 933 ? 2. 076 ? 14. 000 4. 900 6 4. 449 ? 1. 557 ? 14. 000 4. 900 7 3. 337 ? 1. 168 ? 14. 000 4. 900 8 2. 503 ? 0. 876 ? 14. 000 4. 900 ? 6. 000 ? 7. 976 0. 484 ? 16. 485 ?7. 869 ? 6. 176 ? 4. 657 ? 3. 268 0. 696 0. 635 0. 580 0. 530 ? 11. 312 ? 9. 723 ? 8. 028 ? 6. 168 ? 20. 043 ? 9. 100 ? 9. 100 ? 9. 100 ? 9. 100 ? 9. 100 ? 3. 083 ? 14. 326 ? 15. 687 ? 17. 177 ? 18. 809 ? 111. 903 FOSSILS 1 VISHAL ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES CASE SOLUTION Analysis ? Option 3? Hire and Purchase Total Cost Interest Component Total Cost + interest = Hire Purchase Installment per year 75 Lakhs 72 Lakhs 147 18. 375 Lakhs Life Exp. 8 years Rupees in Lakhs Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Particulars Hire Purchase Installm ent Interest Component Principal Repayment 0 1 18. 375 16. 794 1. 581 ? 10. 916 ? 1. 581 18. 750 12. 188 ? 0. 310 0. 913 ? 0. 339 2 18. 375 14. 567 3. 808 ? 9. 469 ? 3. 08 14. 063 9. 141 ? 4. 136 0. 834 ? 4. 959 3 18. 375 12. 340 6. 035 ? 8. 021 ? 6. 035 10. 547 6. 855 ? 7. 200 0. 762 ? 9. 454 Year 4 18. 375 10. 113 8. 262 ? 6. 574 ? 8. 262 7. 910 5. 142 ? 9. 694 0. 696 ? 13. 936 ? 120. 137 5 18. 375 7. 887 10. 488 ? 5. 126 ? 10. 488 5. 933 3. 856 ? 11. 758 0. 635 ? 18. 511 6 18. 375 5. 660 12. 715 ? 3. 679 ? 12. 715 4. 449 2. 892 ? 13. 502 0. 580 ? 23. 274 7 18. 375 3. 433 14. 942 ? 2. 231 ? 14. 942 3. 337 2. 169 ? 15. 004 0. 530 ? 28. 321 8 18. 375 1. 206 17. 169 ? 0. 784 ? 17. 169 2. 503 1. 627 6. 000 ? 10. 26 0. 484 ? 21. 342 ?It(1? Tc) ?PRt Depriciation Dt(Tc) NSVn Total (4 to 8) ? 6 Discount Factor @ 9. 5% Present Value Present Value of Hire? Purchase 1. 000 Hence from the above we see that the cost of the Hire? Purchase option in Present value Term is more that that of the leasing option. So Vishal Enterprises should go for Leasing option instead of Hire Purchase. Also if the option of Purchasing and Owning the equipment is considered, it has a very favourable NPV and this can be considered as the best option for Vishal Enterprises. FOSSILS 2
Saturday, January 11, 2020
I, Icarus
I, Icarus by Alden Nowlan Dreams are the perfect worlds for all of us for dreams give us the chances to possess the goals we are craving for that we might not be able to have in reality. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a famous German writer, artist, and politician, expresses his perspective about dreams: â€Å"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move hearts of men†. Through â€Å"I, Icarus†- one of the poems in the collection Bread, Wine and Salt by Alden Nowlan, we readers will get to know his childhood’s vivid dream.Alden Nowlan produces a striking effect that leaves deep impressions in readers’ minds right at the beginning of the poem with its title â€Å"I, Icarus†. As to my understanding, the title refers to Greek myth which is about Icarus- the son of the master craftsman. Icarus’s father constructed two pairs of wings from feathers and wax for the purpose of escaping Crete, and also warned him not to fly too close to the sun. Ignoring his father’s caution, Icarus attempted to reach the sun, which resulted the wax to melt and cost him his own life.Through the title’s allusion and Nowlan’s act of putting â€Å"I†in front of the name â€Å"Icarus†, readers get some hints that this poem might be another story of catastrophic fall caused by over-ambition. After a few first times reading â€Å"I, Icarus†, readers might superficially interpret the meaning to be about a flying dream, yet if we dig deeper, we will be able to comprehend the yearning to reach a superior dimension of Nowland. As a matter of fact, Alden Nowland was born in a small village in Nova Scotia; the constrictions had influenced him to foster the dream of breaking free to seek his own prospects.Nowland reflects back to his childhood and imagines he was flying beyond all the restrictions that had been confining him. Even though fictional elements play the main role in the whole poem, Nowland’s detailed description and firm assertion â€Å"There was a time when I could fly. I swear it. â€Å"(1), â€Å"I rose slowly†¦toward the window†(9-12) have thoroughly convinced readers that he could really fly. The metaphorical and imagery has been utilized intriguingly as an analogy to represent the country life of Nowland’s childhood.Like a gentle sheep, Nowland is penned inside the boundary of the â€Å"pasture fence†(13); â€Å"the music of flutes†(16) is played by the shepherd to lure and tell him to be satisfied with this confinement. On the other hand, the sheep himself is eager to go on an adventure to explore the mysterious space behind â€Å"the dark, the haunted trees†(14), thus wishes it could fly to float â€Å"beyond the pasture†(15). To another extent, the imagery of the countryside does not only indicate feelings of confinement, but also evokes senses of peace and secure.Even though Nowland – the â€Å"shee p†– has the feelings of being restricted by the constrictions of this small town, it still brings back to him safety that protects him from the perils behind â€Å"the dark, the haunted trees†(14). Standing outside Nature, enjoying the harmonious melodies of an Aeolian harp – â€Å"the music of the flutes†that â€Å"the wind made†(16- 17) falling in line together with â€Å"voices singing†, Nowland becomes intimate with Nature and his beloved hometown.In brief, â€Å"I, Icarus†has reflected successfully Nowland’s complex emotions and currents of thoughts; he cherishes his great ambitions to escape from restrictions and explore a whole new world outside, yet still be attached to his familiar homeland which provides him extreme protections and harmony. Relating the context of the whole poem to its own title â€Å"I, Icarus†, readers now realize that it’s not a story about Nowland’s catastrophic fal l as Icarus, but his wonders whether he should be a risk-taker to pursue his dream of reaching the sun or live a peaceful and ordinary life.
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